Saturday, April 17, 2010

This day

My goals for today were to finish cleaning the floor so I could have a studio day, and to take a bike ride.

I had breakfast sitting on the east deck in the morning sun. I was listening to a streaming radio show from Lincoln NE (I do that to feel more connected to my son and family) when I realized sandhill cranes were calling from the creek. I muted the computer and listened, sharing it with BiL who had been inside. After a minute the cranes were silent. I listened to the show again, and again, the cranes began. This time I muted the computer, and even tho the cranes stopped soon after (maybe they heard something crane-like in the banter of the program) I left it off, and enjoyed the rest of my breakfast to chickadee and finch song.

I finished the floor as I listened to streaming NPR from California (again, a link with a son who lives out there). I swept water and mud from the garage and set the fans to dry it (this is swamp season in our garage if we don't stay ahead of it). I got very hungry and ate my lunch. I put in a new load of laundry.

I stepped outside to hang a shirt on the line and have a cup of tea, and I could not bring myself to go inside, even to have a studio day.

I did some repair work, instead, to the fencing that discourages marmots from using the deck for a toilet.

For the first time this spring I got to listen as a light rain fell on our metal roof. No bike riding today, but I don't feel compromised.

I felt very satisfied and very hungry by dinner time. I ate again, watching a movie with BiL.
We also watched our first rainbow of the season.

So much satisfaction in one day.

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