Thursday, January 4, 2007

Stones in the path

Yesterday I packed and lifted (4 times) 265 lbs of office books and teaching materials from BiL's office at the U... toted and shipped them home, as we'll have no room to take them ourselves. Tons (well, really, pounds) of effort, but it felt good to have it done. We still have several more boxes worth of stuff that will come from the room where he's lived for the past season of teaching which will also get shipped. BiL's mobility and stamina is returning as his pain decreases. Today he gets the 20 staples removed. I think we are both eager to see what changes he experiences when those are not restricting his knee movement. Last night we celebrated his last anticoagulent injection with his favorite frozen yogurt dessert.

Small works with great love has been the theme this week, and we are both doing better, I think. I use the web and my emails to monitor the weather at the house. Movement seems to be a constant, whether keeping joints limber or setting boxes in motion towards home. Even my son's family is moving today... going on a ski trip. Inertia is a constant and needs to be overcome but then it's amazing to experience the changes that happen.

BiL is now eager to get on the road, too, to go home. This is a tremendous step of recovery.

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